Monday, January 21, 2013

Is the App right for You?

How do you know if an app is worth downloading?

How do you know if it is safe to put on your device?

I am that person who loves downloading new apps just so that I can see what it looks like and how it feels.  Whether it is for a game, department store, or traveling I have a my own checklist to help me determine if I should A) Download it and B) Keep it once I do.  This article is to provide some fundamental security-related FYIs as well as help you become better at rating/reviewing content.  Most of the suggestions are standard for Android or iOS apps.  However, the security recommendations are primarily geared toward Android apps via Google Play store, which has looser restrictions and screening of developers and the apps they post. 

Before you download...

How much does it cost? 
Remember, there's no refund.  If it doesn't look worthwhile, there is probably a reason for it.  Just because its not free, doesn't make it worth avoiding.  Sometimes its worth dropping $.99 on an app!  Think how many times you shop from McDonald's dollar menu and that should put things into perspective.

Who Makes it?
Does the developer have a good/bad reputation?  Have they developed other apps in the past?  A first-time app publisher could be a red flag for an app teaming with bugs that may or may not be adequately addressed.  How often are patches and updates released?  If an app released last year has had no updates, don't expect any new features to be coming soon.

How Many People are Using It?
If its a new app, you may be first in line...but it may be worth your while to wait a little while.  User feedback is important and apps could be potentially malicious.  Let some of your peers try it first.

Read the Reviews
Ignore most of the people offering 5 stars.  You want to know why people DON'T like the app.  Some people will have shallow reasons for their displeasure with the program, but others will provide meaningful insight as to how expectations feel short, usability issues, bugs, or design.  Negative comments don't have to deter you, but it should educate you at the very least.

What do you want it to do?
Think about what you are looking for in an app before using it.  If you want to know the weekly sales for a store but can't easily find it on the app, then it is not meeting your needs.   Check your expectations.  If you're expecting a full-scope of interactive features and user interface quality, maybe demanding all that from a free app is unreasonable.  A couple bucks may get you EXACTLY what you want, but if you got it for free, take a deep's going to be alright.

What does the App Access?
This is especially important when dealing with Android device security.  All app developers must specify what device features an app will access.  You, as the user, must agree to allow all these permissions in order to let it run.  Be wary of apps that require access to your contacts - very few apps actually need this information.  This could be the result of careless developing or a means of stealing personal data. 

Always Write a Review
If you took the time to research an app, whether you love it or hate it - Rate it!  Be fair during your review and offer a review worth reading.  Writing "It's a piece of crap" does not help anyone, nor will it win you a Caldecott Award.

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